
专题:优秀作文 | 时间:2015-01-02 | 来源:读后感大全 | 作者:


I read "Robinson Crusoe" this novel, deeply by the story of the master Von Robinson moved, after he suffered shipwreck drifted to the island, not lament the fate of injustice, but make full use of their own minds and hands, to build houses, plant crops, animal breeding, tool making, and in despair helpless with his tenacity and perseverance and hunger, disease, fight, rescued finally victory. At first, Robinson carrying his parents followed a boat out to sea, but died in a the ship, he spent a long time in the vast sea, the sea into a no human habitation of the island, there are no people on this island, but he died on board a a dog and two cats, he tried to ask for help to the ships, but found that one man on the boat is pirates. He built a "house" with some items side only, and later in the wrecked ship found some bread, wine, clothes, bullets and so on…… Thus began his twenty-eight years two months nine days island drifting. In such a long time, he not only to overcome the loneliness and solitude, but also against hunger and disease, but can not let the sea robbers found him, he always optimistic face so that he can survive, cherish every opportunity, in the face of difficulties, he was afraid, but always escape conquer yourself and the hope of life. After reading this novel, I really was Robinson's tenacity and courage deeply touched, he in such a difficult environment, put yourself out from despair, I touched me most is his perseverance, Robinson over twenty years, hope is the determination of the students, I can not help but think of our own in our life, for learning, is it right? Should also learn from him? Difficult is it right? Should brave face and not in the escape? I remember in the learning process, often encounter some difficulties, I do not think of ways to overcome it, but difficult to play hide and seek, once, my special feeling to a mathematical problem of interest, but not always get the thing to understand, if I want to make sure this thing, need to spend a lot of time and energy, so I feel at ease and justified to give up, but later in the exam I encountered the same problem, I still didn't get rid of, I regret, I though temporary "around" the difficulties, but the difficulties and finally again and I met. Today we are in life, learning difficulties and compared to Robinson, or difficult? I must get rid of my bad habits, the difficulties encountered no longer "around the" a walk, but to be like Robinson, brave struggle with difficulties. Friend, have you read this book? If not I suggest you have a look! You will like me moved!

  • 鲁滨逊漂流记读后感
  • 英文版鲁滨逊漂流记读后感
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