英语作文 说说自己的心里话

专题:优秀作文 | 时间:2013-07-01 | 来源:读后感大全 | 作者:

I Have Something To Tell Myself.

Hey ,girl ,how 's it going now ? ?

This very time when you see the article may after 2011.?

I have something totell you ,please listen carefully :?

It was in 2011 when you became a real adult ,and then ,have you taken your family 's burden ?

As you know ,with time going by ,your parents are no longer what they used to be .?

What is more ,did you realize your dream ?

Was you admitted to the college which you had had an eye for ?

It should be taken into consideration that this last war is not only for yourself but also for the people caring about you .

Several days remaining ,you will say "farewell "to your high school 's life ,your teachers let alone your accessible classmates .
So just keep them in mind .And did you go to li jiang to see the nature 's magic ?

You see ,this journey will broaden your horizons together meet your long hope ,your heart may get much more energy .?

During your vacations ,you are badly expected to take up a part- time job .

While your first salary is not too much ,if you get experience it is of great value .?

To speak frankly ,please be yourself ,dont let the fate control your life .

2011,you had better not leave any pity .Go ,my girl !?

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