
专题:优秀作文 | 时间:2015-01-02 | 来源:读后感大全 | 作者:


There were 4 little characters who were looking for cheese to nourish them.

Two were mice named “Sniff” and “Scurry”。 Two were little people named “Hem” and “Haw”。 Every morning, the mice and the little people went to Cheese Station C where full of cheese. One morning, Sniff and Scurry arrived at Cheese Station C and discovered there was no cheese. They weren't surprised,since they had noticed the supply of cheese had been getting smaller every day, they had prepared for this change. They quickly searched for new Cheese. Sniff and Scurry finally found Cheese Station N which was the biggest store of cheese. Meanwhile,Hem and Haw were anxious and couldn't accept the fact. They just wanted cheese back. Later,Haw decided to go out to find cheese.On the way,Haw kept adjusting himself and tried his best. Finally he found Station N. The three characters had cheese to eat while Hew was still in Station C with no cheese.


The main question "Who Moved My Cheese?" is left unanswered. The book is criticized as a patronizing book that educates followers, not leaders: out of at least three options to search and chase after new cheese to make the cheese yourself to move the cheese away from the refrigerators of others only the first - and most passive - option is discussed. There are many alternative viewpoints on the Cheese story.

Some managers are known to mass-distribute copies of the book to employees, some of whom see this as an insult or an attempt to characterize dissent as not "moving with the cheese". Dilbert cartoonist Scott Adams claims that patronizing parables are one of the top 10 complaints he receives in his email.

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