吃碧根果英语作文:Eat Pecan

专题:优秀作文 | 时间:2014-04-24 | 来源:读后感大全 | 作者:英语控

吃碧根果:Eat Pecan

Today my mother and I go to the supermarket, mom was willing to spend big price to twenty yuan to buy a pack of "pecan".

At home, I was unable to hold oneself back tore the pecan, uh! A fragrance from assail the nostrils, I want it more intense desire.

Its skin is really not good stripping stripping stripping, I how also can not do without it, so I took a hammer to come over, aiming it struck, the force is too large, it smashed into the "beacon mud", failed.

I pick up a, this one I have to be careful. I picked up a hammer to knock, with great care, "Mao --" finally opened a crack, and I hit a few, this time, half of the shell knocked out, I took a screwdriver to pick, a piece of Pecan are singled out.I tasted the pecan, really fragrant ah! 







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