
专题:优秀作文 | 时间:2015-01-02 | 来源:读后感大全 | 作者:


Impression after reading--- The Fox and the Grapes

The first day of my holiday , I read a small story from "Aesop's fables," the story of the fox and the grapes, And I have some ideas for this story.

Firstly, the story is saying about this: On a hot summer's day there was a extremely hungry fox ,and he saw a lot of grapes in the garden.He wanted very much to pick it down and to eat them, but he could not pick them at all. The Frustrated fox did not to come up with an idea to get the grapes,but to go away!And as he walking,he still comfort himself with that this grape must be acid! It is very clearly that his own ability was too small, and he did not to think it by heart,but he was looking for an excuse to say that time are not mature. How ridiculous it is !

But to think about it, I don't like this fox? Every time my mother Check my homework and pointed out the mistakes, I would say: "Well,I was doing right, then accidentally change wrong." In fact, I understanded that I had done wrong. I think this kind of phenomenon also exists in other familys , and not just mine.But this is just an excuse!

After Seeing this story, I realized that when we were wrong, we should not find an excuse to cover up our own problems and we should brave to admit the mistake and try to correct the mistakes.Only in this way we might succeed someday. Otherwise, we don't become sour grapes fox?





  • 伊索寓言读后感
  • 伊索寓言读后感
  • 伊索寓言英文读后感
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